Joe Hyde - Veteran and Conservative - for County Judge

The Joe Hyde Report

This is the most interesting email newsletter in San Angelo.

In each issue, we provide the insider accounts of what is happening on the campaign trail. The purpose is threefold. First, we want our supporters to know what we are doing with the money we raise so you will witness what a great investment supporting us is. Second, we want to avoid the pitfalls of social media and Big Tech censorship. For example, if we discuss Covid-19 policy or even election integrity, we'd rather not get the Facebook "warning flag."  Third, we want you, as a supporter, to know where we are on our campaign strategy and if there's a way you can help, or if you have feedback about a particular issue, just reply. All replies go to Joe.

We also have an option where you can contribute to the campaign as part of the signup to the Joe Hyde Report. We request a donation of only $35. If you are interested in contributing, please signup for this email here.

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